About Me

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Kiaora e te iwi! Mama of 5 tamariki soon to be 6 next March2012 - 2 boys and 3 girls, and then what ever surprise the Lord has in the oven right now. Soon to be wife in Nov2011 of long time partner of 16 years. Born again Christian since March2005. New to this beautiful country since Feb2011. And new to Blogging since NOW!! You are such an Inspiration Tammi, so here I am giving it a go!! Thanks in advanced to all you fellow Bloggers and soon to be friends for all your encouragement, inspiration and critique along the way! I look forward to this new adventure............

Friday 15 June 2012

out picking......

It's a cool, wet winters day, and I just love this weather. Although it does set me back giving me every excuse not to do this or that, but just to sit and listen and chill really!! Do I do brave Coles on a Saturday? No, that would be a bad decision! We'll make do! I have flour to make bread, butter to bake and yummy coffee for myself, tea for mum and husband, milo for the kiddies. Dinner is cooking, kindly supplied by a friend! And so, to accompany our traditional comfort food called "boil up", my big boy, his friend and I went out to pick water cress down at a nearby flowing stream.
It is awesome that God has made herb pleasing  to the eye and good for food! And I am pleased that although foreigners to this beautiful country, we can still keep some traditions to help make this home!
So our God shack smells sweet, sounds sweet and is sweet warm.
Blessed by His beauty.  How do you see His blessings today?

Karen x

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a pleasure it has been reading back through your posts! Very humble am I to have been given a mention :)
    You my sister are a complete blessing and I count myself very lucky indeed that the Lord placed you in my path. Love doing life with you and your whanau and loving your space here in the blog land, keep at it.
