About Me

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Kiaora e te iwi! Mama of 5 tamariki soon to be 6 next March2012 - 2 boys and 3 girls, and then what ever surprise the Lord has in the oven right now. Soon to be wife in Nov2011 of long time partner of 16 years. Born again Christian since March2005. New to this beautiful country since Feb2011. And new to Blogging since NOW!! You are such an Inspiration Tammi, so here I am giving it a go!! Thanks in advanced to all you fellow Bloggers and soon to be friends for all your encouragement, inspiration and critique along the way! I look forward to this new adventure............

Thursday 4 August 2011

the crazy things i do......

Ok, so I'm 9 weeks hapu(pregnant), and feeling very nauseated at such a late stage! This is not the norm in comparison to the previous 5. Normally I'm over the tiredness, and feeling yuk stage by 6 weeks.....not this time! And it's a constant yukness that just hangs around almost all day, but is sure to find it's way back to me be the evening, oh boy!
Smells: The intense strength of smells that whoft past is somewhat too over powering at times. Red meat and ciggy smoke have to be the worst of them all!
Food: I love food, always have! Never been one to be fussy, and not really one to be into Mac D's. Oh but how that has changed!! Two foods that don't sit well with me at the mo, that otherwise I love are cucumber and celery. Oh not a good taste....but Mac D's YUMMO!!!!! I could live off this stuff! I have to say I haven't taken to my good friend Choco like I have in the past...Good for me:) Raw broccolli and dips are my favs!
And what about the things we find ourselves doing only when we are hapu??!!! Normally I'm a control freek, there I admitted it lol. But I have learnt just to let things pass by. But NOT while I'm hapu, no no no!
So i'll be outside hanging with the kids and there's a few old weeds under the sand that are just sitting there doing nothing, well not quite...they bug me...grrhh! So I try to let it pass because they're only old dried up weeds and when the new grass starts to grow through the sand it'll all be ok. We'll get the lawn nicely trimmed up in due time and it'll look nice...so I keep telling myself. Yeah right!! I get out a rubbish bag and out I go to quietly pick out all the ugly old weeds that need my attention lol. Before I know it, the bag is full and all the weeds taken care of. Good, now Im a happy hapu mama.....well until I see the next something crazy that NEEDS my attention :) Have a great afternoon Blogger friends, and we'll catch up soon xxx

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